INKWINGS WRITING ADVENTURE – Writing Camp for Middle Schoolers

Visual Art as a
Starting Point for Writing
July 8 – July 12, 2024


“All good writing comes from the body and is a physical experience.”
—Natalie Goldberg, author, Writing Down the Bones

Writing is part imagination and part rules of the road.
Visual art is a form of storytelling. Artful thinking leads to imaginative and precise writing.

On their INKWINGS WRITING ADVENTURE, campers observe, wonder, find and explore ideas, collaborate, question, create and write.

We use pencils, colored pencils, scissors, glue, and paper to explore the origins and diversity of writing and engage our visual, verbal, audio, and kinesthetic senses to write and make things while practicing fundamental writing skills.

INKWINGS WRITING ADVENTURE meets daily for a week-long series of creative writing workshops. Campers gather in the same online pod with me for 3-hour workshops daily for one week.

Each day we embark on a “slow looking” adventure to observe and explore the figurative power of storytelling in fine art and use our discoveries to compose written narratives with structural integrity and vivid details.

We play with words like puzzle pieces using interactive word games and paper crafts to expand vocabulary in fun ways that turn our writing expeditions into exciting treasure hunts.

Campers handwrite their daily IWA activities. When camp is over, their journals serve as both mementos and portfolios of their written accomplishments with insights and strategies gained from their unique writing adventure.


My pods are small, with 6 or fewer students in each, so your child will not get lost in a huge sea of faces.

Campers can have conversations with each other, share their thinking, and showcase their IWA creations both in our daily meetups and on our private Padlet jamboard.

Supplies … IWA Campers will need a computer with the current version of Zoom; access to a phone with camera (to photograph, upload and share their creations to our Padlet jamboard); access to a printer (for downloadables); a blank notebook or journal; pencil; sharpener; eraser; 3-4 colored pencils; 12″ ruler; scissors; glue stick; water bottle and snack.

Activity guides and craft templates are made available to download and print via our private Padlet jamboard.

At the end of this fast-paced workshop camp, in addition to their personal handwritten journal, your child will take away:

. Artful thinking and note-taking routines

. An understanding of writing patterns for common compositions

· Techniques to enhance description, expression, and precision

· An appreciation for writing as a personal recording device to express their thoughts and chronicle their life

· Their collection of useful handmade crafts to delight and inspire them.



This summer, I am offering one pod, weekday mornings, live and interactive via Zoom and Padlet:

Pod A:  Monday-Friday Mornings, 9:00am-Noon EDT

July 8 through July 12, 2024

Limited enrollment!  Maximum creativity!

1-Week Series * Monday through Friday
* 3-Hour Daily Workshops * 15 Total Hours

* Live and Interactive Online via Zoom and Padlet

 payable through PayPal or Zelle: 


Early Birds SAVE $30!!
Special rate of $339 if paid in full by April 30

Regular registration ends June 15.

Click here for the APPLICATION…

If you have any further questions, please call or email me.

Happy Creating!


Linda Lanza
Expressive Arts Specialist
P. O. Box 7695
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
(732) 322-6369

*For security, IWA workshops are recorded and stored on a private hard drive, not in the cloud, never shared.

For more information about Linda’s services…


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for insight, craft, and soul nourishment, visit this page…
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To see what others say about Inkwings Writing Adventure for middle schoolers, visit here: